Our Ethos and Promise to Our Clients

When Scott founded his firm, he had already earned graduate degrees in philosophy, social justice, and literature, and taught at some of the most respected universities in the world, from Stanford University, New York University, to the University of California. He created his firm to provide unrivalled personal attention to his clients, with the academic and argumentative rigor of a published author and professor. He took his years as a defense attorney as a model for how he would represent ordinary people with extraordinary care.

Our ethos is simple: When we commit to your case, we commit to you and your family.

We know that in the face of a catastrophic injury to you or your family, the legal system provides a slow, often undignified, and unimaginably empty response to what your family has endured. We understand that your family deserves respect, assistance, and to be made as whole as quickly and as completely as possible.

We strive to give all of our clients personal, human attention instead of the usual legal advice. In doing so, we strive to give you the space you need, or the partner you can confide in, for the healing process to take shape.

Finally, we understand that you, your family, and your careers depend on your involvement in communities where your dignity and reputation have been earned from a lifetime of living well. We strive to protect that respect every step of the way, working quietly and diligently to ensure your rights are handled appropriately.

While many lawyers advertise that they specialize in litigation or “winning money”, we believe that the nature of the injury is secondary to clients we represent. Because you and your family matter more than your harms.